Positive parenting practices can transform negative family patterns, and bring out the best in kids. As a mother, I did that! So can you. This inspiring course can help you become the parent you wish you had. It can also help everyone who cares about and cares for children.
“Louise’s presentations are informative, uplifting, wonderful!”
Lola Cornish, Community Resources for Children, Napa CA
good evening evening I'd like to begin by telling you a story of something that happened many years ago outside of a European city there were two men who were doing the same kind of work and a stranger went up to the first man and asked what are you doing and he had an irritated look on his face and he said I'm hauling rocks and the stranger went up to the second man and asked him the same question what are you doing and he stood tall and with a smile he said I am building a cathedral and I want you to know that you are building Cathedrals even though sometimes it feels as though you're hauling rocks uh I would like to begin by asking you to do a little exercise bring your hand up like this in front of you with your palm facing you and then bring that down four times right here on your back do that for the people sitting near you you all deserve more appreciation than you're getting do you agree okay now know that you can give it to yourself and you can also ask ask for it from other people you're in charge okay what you can expect in our time together is that I will teach you the best things that I have learned about parenting and building self-esteem in families through my experience as a parent through my experience as a teacher through graduate school through reading through my mistakes and because it's more fun for you to uh participate you can also expect that I will at times invite you to talk to someone sitting near you so you can expect lecture and participation you may notice as I'm talking about you and your kids that you're thinking of something that happened to or for you when you were a little kid allow that because that is how you learn to parent that is very important information for you now raising healthy children is the most important work of the culture I firmly believe that and it is also your most important work because what you do when your children are small will affect the Joy or the pain that you have for the rest of your life and it is a joy or a pain that can go on to the next Generations not much of what we do in this life will have such far reach impact as what we do in raising our children now you had little choice about how you were parented nobody asked you they just did it to you but now you have a choice you can parent as you were parented on automatic without question like a robot and that is fine if you like the way you were raised thank your parents and parenting should be pretty easy for you if however it was negative if you were reject Ed neglected abused if you were from a drug or alcohol abusing family system know that you can choose to choose differently you can rise above the destructive patterns that may have been in your family for Generations you learn how to parent from your parents and because they're human they made mistakes instead of repeating those same mistakes you can learn from them instead of wounding your children you can heal yourself and this is basically the story of what I did I was born in Detroit uh a long time ago uh the middle of five children born to a German immigrant family and an uncle lived with our family we had an extended family and with all those people I didn't feel that I really belonged and I didn't really feel loved and I I just knew that that something was wrong uh because it didn't feel right to me but I didn't know what it was and when I was pregnant with my first child 28 years ago I made the most important decision in my life I decided that I would raise my children the way that I wished I had been raised and it wasn't easy to do I couldn't find parents who were doing itthe way I wanted my kids to be raised so I had to become a Pioneer and I had to question and sift out everything that came to me automatically and I threw away a lot of it and passed on only the best because my kids deserve the best and you can become the parent that you always wished you'd had you can become the parent you always wished you'd had I have found uh that as hard as it was for me to make those big changes in my family system I am so glad that I did it because I am finding that over time what goes around comes around and the love and the support and the cheering that I've given to my children over the years comes back to me so think of what you want to get back from your children and those are the things that you need to give your children when they're small for
Lesson Summary
Positive parenting practices can significantly impact family dynamics and help children thrive. This course aims to empower parents to become the best they can be and positively influence those caring for children. Through engaging presentations, valuable insights, and practical exercises, individuals can learn effective strategies for building self-esteem in themselves and their children.
- Parenting can be transformed through positive practices.
- Empowerment to become the parent one wishes they had.
- Course designed for those caring for children.
Participants can expect a blend of informative lectures and interactive sessions that draw on the instructor's personal experiences as a parent and educator, academic pursuits, and a commitment to uplifting families. The focus is on teaching effective parenting techniques and fostering self-esteem within the family unit.
- Lectures and interactive participation.
- Encouragement to reflect on past experiences for learning.
- Raising healthy children as crucial cultural work.
The course emphasizes breaking negative family patterns and making intentional choices in parenting, rather than repeating past mistakes. By learning from previous generations and personal experiences, individuals can heal themselves and create a positive environment for their children to thrive.
- Making intentional parenting choices.
- Breaking destructive family patterns.
- Creating a nurturing environment for children.